#include#include #include #include int main(){ using namespace std; string multiByteString = "我25岁。\nI'm 25 years old."; int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, multiByteString.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0); WCHAR *unicodeString = new WCHAR[bufferSize]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, multiByteString.c_str(), -1, unicodeString, bufferSize); bufferSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, unicodeString, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); CHAR *utf8String = new CHAR[bufferSize]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, unicodeString, -1, utf8String, bufferSize, nullptr, nullptr); ofstream ofs("UTF8.txt"); if (ofs) { ofs.write(utf8String, bufferSize - 1); cout << "A UTF-8 string has been written to file: UTF8.txt" << endl; } else { cout << "Cannot create file: UTF8.txt" << endl; } delete[] utf8String; delete[] unicodeString; system("pause"); return 0;}
#include#include #define BUFFER_SIZE 1000int main(){ const char *inputFilename = "Utf8Text.txt"; FILE *inputFile = fopen(inputFilename, "r"); if (inputFile) { char utf8Text[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t numberOfObjectsRead = fread(utf8Text, sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE, inputFile); utf8Text[numberOfObjectsRead] = '\0'; int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8Text, -1, NULL, 0); WCHAR *unicodeString = (WCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * bufferSize); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8Text, -1, unicodeString, bufferSize); bufferSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, unicodeString, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); CHAR *gbkString = (CHAR *)malloc(sizeof(CHAR) * bufferSize); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, unicodeString, -1, gbkString, bufferSize, NULL, NULL); const char *outputFilename = "GbkText.txt"; FILE *outputFile = fopen(outputFilename, "w"); if (outputFile) { fwrite(gbkString, sizeof(CHAR), bufferSize - 1, outputFile); fclose(outputFile); printf("The GBK text has been written to file: %s\n", outputFilename); } else { printf("Cannot write file: %s\n", outputFilename); } free(gbkString); free(unicodeString); fclose(inputFile); } else { printf("Cannot read file: %s\n", inputFilename); } system("pause"); return 0;}
#pragma once#include#include class EncodingConverter{public: EncodingConverter(UINT fromCodePage, UINT toCodePage); std::string convert(const std::string &from) const; static std::wstring convertToUnicode(UINT fromCodePage, const std::string &from); static std::string unicodeConvertTo(UINT toCodePage, const std::wstring &from);private: UINT fromCodePage; UINT toCodePage;};
#include "EncodingConverter.h"EncodingConverter::EncodingConverter(UINT fromCodePage, UINT toCodePage) : fromCodePage(fromCodePage), toCodePage(toCodePage) { }std::string EncodingConverter::convert(const std::string &from) const{ int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(fromCodePage, 0, from.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0); WCHAR *unicodeString = new WCHAR[bufferSize]; MultiByteToWideChar(fromCodePage, 0, from.c_str(), -1, unicodeString, bufferSize); bufferSize = WideCharToMultiByte(toCodePage, 0, unicodeString, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); CHAR *to = new CHAR[bufferSize]; WideCharToMultiByte(toCodePage, 0, unicodeString, -1, to, bufferSize, nullptr, nullptr); std::string toString(to); delete[] to; delete[] unicodeString; return toString;}std::wstring EncodingConverter::convertToUnicode(UINT fromCodePage, const std::string &from){ int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(fromCodePage, 0, from.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0); WCHAR *unicodeString = new WCHAR[bufferSize]; MultiByteToWideChar(fromCodePage, 0, from.c_str(), -1, unicodeString, bufferSize); std::wstring toString(unicodeString); delete[] unicodeString; return toString;}std::string EncodingConverter::unicodeConvertTo(UINT toCodePage, const std::wstring &from){ int bufferSize = WideCharToMultiByte(toCodePage, 0, from.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); CHAR *to = new CHAR[bufferSize]; WideCharToMultiByte(toCodePage, 0, from.c_str(), -1, to, bufferSize, nullptr, nullptr); std::string toString(to); delete[] to; return toString;}
#include#include "EncodingConverter.h"using namespace std;int main(){ const string &utf8String = EncodingConverter(CP_ACP, CP_UTF8).convert("Are you OK? -- 你还好吗"); cout << utf8String << endl; const string &gbkString = EncodingConverter(CP_UTF8, CP_ACP).convert("浣犺繕濂藉悧"); cout << gbkString << endl; const wstring &unicodeString = EncodingConverter::convertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, "浣犺繕濂藉悧"); wcout.imbue(locale("chs")); wcout << unicodeString << endl; cout << EncodingConverter::unicodeConvertTo(CP_ACP, wstring(L"别笑青蛙没有见过大海,在河边一样可以自由自在。")) << endl; system("pause"); return 0;}